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RCS-style keywords


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I'm a new user of Plastic (and this forum as well), so hope this isn't a repeat:

Are there any plans to add RCS keyword ($File$, $Author$, etc...) expansion functionality to Plastic?

As an alternative, would it be possible to write a triggered script (either check in or client checkin?) to do this for you? My only experience so far with triggers is reading the manual, so I don't know all the capabilities possible here.

Thanks in advance for any advice!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did get this to work. Wound up using a before-clientcheckin trigger. Looking at the list of RCS keywords available, I decided the following made the most sense based on use of Plastic and requirements of our project:


- From cm whoami command


- From Windows date and time commands


- From full path of file being checked in (provided by trigger), with path stripped off (called $RCSFile$ in RCS "standard" list)


- Branch and NEW rev number of file, after checkin. This part took some work, since I couldn't see a direct way to get what the new revision number would be. I did the following:

* Use cm find with file owner, rev number=CO, and item=filename to get branch checked out on

* Use cm hist for the filename to get all history for file

* Go through history to get rev number prior to CO on branch, to get OLD rev number of file

* Increment result to get NEW rev number of file


- From full path of file being checked in, provided by trigger

Most of the work is done in a batch file called for the trigger, there's also a Perl script called from the batch file that does the actual regular-expression substitutions of the lines with keywords.

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Dean, great! thank you for sharing this with the community.

Indeed, you will find Plastic CLI is very powerful, there are a bunch of undocumented commands that we are also working on to make it visible to the end user, but what we have now should answer most needs.



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