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Installation fails on Mac OS X 10.6.7 (Snow Leopard)

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When I try to install Plastic SCM (using any combination of install options, including the preset ones) I get the following error during the installation process:

Error creating dynamic link /Applications/PlasticSCM/mono /Applications/PlasticSCM/mono/Versions/2.6.4

I checked the folder and there is no mono/Versions subfolder.

I press OK to continue the installation, and then it fails when launching any application (server or cliente configuration, etc.)

I tried this many times and on several iMacs and always get the same result.

This occurs with:




How can I install the software successfully?

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Hi future,

right, we've had a problem with the bitrock installer, for some reason it fails to create the symlink now, whereas it was able to do it in the past.

There is a quick workaround, you just need to run this couple of commands on a Terminal:

cd /Applications/PlasticSCM/mono/

sudo mkdir Versions

cd Versions

sudo ln -s /Applications/PlasticSCM/mono/ 2.6.4

We'll be releasing a new point release with this fixed next Monday.



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