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Out of context question - Plastic GUI


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I will do an out of context question, but as a developer i need to know. How did you guys created a so beautifull UI based on Windows Forms and still mantained the compatibility between Windows, Mac and Linux. Do you have created some contexts for each platform or was just styling and so... how, how, howwwwwwww?!?! XD

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Hi guys,

Yes, it is indeed WinForms... We built a lot of controls on top to keep it compatible with Mono WinForms, specially back in the early days when they didn't have good support for all controls.

You can check some old screenshots here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/15875826@N04/sets/72157603891722391/

In fact after years of using WinForms on Linux and Mac, we're now about to start a project to create native clients on both platforms. WinForms looks and specially feels totally alien there, something which is not good enough for our users...


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