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Posts posted by emile.swain





    - I think we should try understand why you cannot use your original cloud organization. I think it doesn't makes sense to have two organization for your personal development.

    What is the problem you are having when logging with your Unity ID? Even with that, you can invite your new user to the same original cloud organiaztion (instead of creting a enw cloud organization).


    I think this has been resolved with updating the plasticSCM to version 10, which did over the weekend.

    https://plasticscmsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/25556 Ticket i raised to get it resolved. 



    - On the other hand, it seems to be a problem with one of the cloud organiaztions when cponfiguring the replica. Are both recently created organizations?

    relatively yes.

    Also, and i can't quite fathom from the ui whats what, but i thought i had setup this particular project to work with the centralised workflow. I assume this by the fact the workspaces repo is called MissionManager@emile@cloud and not MissionManager@local. 


    I assumed that when i checked in my code, that this would automaticaly sync changes to the cloud. but as far as i can tell, it doesn't. As you can see below, the project is zero GB. 



    So i think i'm working centralised, but its hard to really know what to look for to know if i really am or not. So i tried to do a sync view. 


    Now the above IMHO doens't make any sense because i think i'm working with a centralised workspace, but it online it doesn't reflect the size of my actual repo.


    Emile@cloud is my Unity account, which i set up originally, then i had to switch to another account Emile2@cloud (with a different login that worked) and i setup a sync view to push the repo to that cloud repo. 

    I thought, hey progress, i can finally actually push something off site. But no. i get the following error.



    I'm inclined to delete everything and start from scratch. I'll likely switch away from working centralised as i don't usually work that way anyway, and to be honest the only reason i ended up in that workflow is because i just don't follow/understand the plasticSCM UI at all. 



    - Are you a paying customer or are you evaluating Plastic for your team? In that case, we could arrange a meeting to debug your issue.

    My other account is a member of an Org as a paying customer. I will switch that account to my unity account and raise a ticket.


    2021-04-12 14_00_50-Plastic SCM - Workspace Explorer.png

  2. TLDR

    As a beginner and having had lots of teathing issues, onboarding with plastic SCM has been a less than pleasing experience and i have confidence issues with being able to use it efficiently enough for my projects. God forbid i get a merge conflict.



    I'd say i'm fairly ok at using version controls systems, and what follows is a very personal view (unlikely to be shared by everyone), but plastic SCM has proved to be pretty confusing. I understand the premises of the various approaches to local workspaces, working distributed and/or centralised, but i'll be damned if i can intuitively understand what i've got setup currently just by looking at the UI and menu options within Plastic SCM.

    Firstly, i find the heirachial order of menus somewhat back to front. `Main actions` seems to be tied to the active workspace, which is set in the sub menu `repositories & workspaces` so i'm already working bottom up, and jumping betwen sections within the UI.

    Then when working within a workspace i can get to grips with checking in and changesets. But i dont know why there isn't any option in the menus within the workspace to push to the cloud. Its like the next thing i want to do but now i have to go to `sync to cloud`. It may seem petty but its for me an irritating niggle in the workflow, it creates a disconnect that should just connect these two sections. I guess the issue i have is that in part, sync to view has its own issues (of basically not working for me currently) that just excerbate my current (onboarding) experience.  Having to jump through multiple screens and windows and menu options to do what is essentially, commit and push. 

    Secondly, whilst the sync to cloud  and sync views makes sense, i've found the current experience to be a bit of a pain. Partly this was due to originally logging in with a Unity account, which simply didn't work (still doesn't as far as i'm aware invalid-credentials-couldnt-get-the-organization-name) To resolve that i then had to create a 2nd account, which meant subsquently changing the loging details for plastic SCM. Which lead me to another issue of trying to understand what all the different logins are, and you have THREE! separate credential inputs!  Seriously.

    In the plastic scm preferences you have `General` and `Connection Profiles` and `User Profile` again all randomly interpersed with other settings panels. Why isn't this just one panel for Accounts. This just makes login a bit of an absurdity. Especially when you consider i've had to create two accounts already, and will likely have to switch back to my Unity account at some point. I'll be quite frank that i'm dreading the amount of time this is like to consume when i realise i haven't a clue as to when each account is used with the PlasticSCM IDE. Bare in mind i have a person account, a work acount and work across several separate cloud repo's that i'll likely be having to switch between on a regular basis. 

    I think i can use the Connection Profiles to manage access to the different repos, but i'm at a loss as to what the purpose of the General log in. Why does General even exist if you've got Connection profiles? Which ones take precedence

    I'm also not sure if i set up my repo as a centralised repo with workspace or a distributed. I thought that because the repo is named MyProject@Emile@cloud that it was a centralised repo, and that checking in would directly comit changes to the cloud. but the cloud usage just says zero mb. I thought that a distributed setup would be labled something like MyProject@local and then a sync/view would be used to push those changes to the cloud. Something i'm still trying to figure out.


    I think most of my woes are simply due to the fact that at every step something has gone wrong, which means when i'm tyring things out i don't get a positive confirmation of my assumptions. So i currently don't have a lot of faith in my ability to use Plastic SCM sufficiently enough and its made me worry a lot about the safety and security of my code, to the point that i would abaddon PlasticSMC pretty soon if i can't resolve these issues.

    I can't help but feel that a re-working of the UI that addressed the user flow in a connected fashion would have helped me build up a better understanding of the concepts. To be able to identify easily what kind of repo topology i'm working with (distributed/centralised) Which accounts i'd setup and were being used, i.e. a centralised grouping of logsin within the settings panel.  ANd a more natural flow of workspaces, to servers to repos in terms of navigating between the various tabs that get opened up. I find all of these to be disconnected and dont contribute to confirming experience for users. 

    Ultimately i'm glad that Unity have taken to using Plastic SCM as there main management system, but its definately not going to be plain sailing. 

    ps. Rider's Plastic SCM plugin also broke which was a severe headache as that pretty much just worked, and i'll ditch PlastSCM IDE for Rider when its fixed.







  3. Hi, I've been trying to work out why on the browser cloud page the usage details for a cloud repo were zero MB. Regardless of how many times i commited locally. Seems that what i thought i was doing wasn't in fact what i was doing. 

    So i eventually got to a point where my sync view was setup and showed what looked like it was going to push changes to the cloud. 
    But now i get the following error below. Note i checked the logs and there is nothing in them that suggest any error, or anything in fact relating to an unexpected error,  or not being able to find a path. The logs by all accounts look perfectly fine.

    I should note, that due to originally setuping up plasticSCM with my Unity Account, which apparently doesn't work (or at least it still doesn't for me) with plasticSCM, i subsequently had to create another account. I'm also a part of two separate cloud organisations. Which just makes things even more confusing than they already are. 

    Also, i have no idea why /mnt/ which is a unix thing is right? appearing as an issue on my PC. Unless this is an issue on the server side?



    The sync process was unable to replicate the following branch:

    Branch: /main
    Operation: Push
    Source repository: MissionManager@Emile@cloud
    Destination repository: Test@Emile2@cloud

    Error description: 
    There has been an unexpected error "Could not find a part of the path '/mnt/metadata/jet/org_9158/rep_149474/replica/replicationlogs.dat'.". For more information check the server log.



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