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Everything posted by givetimetolife

  1. hi @blue,Thanks for your help, I got the behavior I wanted with `cm undo -k`. My default language is CN, `cm undo -h` has no option -keepchanges.... 😢
  2. I think plasitcscm has a problem with the design of `checkout` and `undocheckout`. Let's look at an example first: echo 'new changes' > file.txt cm status --xml ... <Changes> <Change> <Type>CH</Type> <TypeVerbose>Changed</TypeVerbose> <Path>file.txt</Path> ... cm co file.txt Item file.txt was correctly checked out cm status file.txt --xml ... <Changes> <Change> <Type>CO</Type> <Path>file.txt</Path> <TypeVerbose>Checked-out</TypeVerbose> <Path>file.txt</Path> ... cm unco file.txt file.txt unchecked out correctly cm status *** Why are all my changes to file.txt undone after I call `unco` *** *** Why are all my changes to file.txt undone after I call `unco` *** As described by cm undocheckout -h , file.txt should revert to the type of `Changed`, and the modifications remain unchanged ``` If an item is checked-out and you do not want to checkin it, you can undo the checkout using this command. Both files and folders can be unchecked out. The item will be updated to the state it had before checking it out. ``` If it is the current design, I can achieve it through `cm undo`, why design a `cm undocheckout` ? This confuses me, please help me
  3. i got it . https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/plastic-releases/releases/{full_version_number}/plasticscm/linux/PlasticSCM-{full_version_number}-linux-x64-server.tar.gz https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/plastic-releases/releases/{full_version_number}/plasticscm/linux/PlasticSCM-{full_version_number}-linux-x64-proxy-server.tar.gz https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/plastic-releases/releases/{full_version_number}/plasticscm/linux/PlasticSCM-{full_version_number}-gtkplastic.tar.gz https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/plastic-releases/releases/{full_version_number}/plasticscm/linux/PlasticSCM-{full_version_number}-linux-client-core.tar.gz https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/plastic-releases/releases/{full_version_number}/plasticscm/linux/PlasticSCM-{full_version_number}-linux-theme.tar.gz https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/plastic-releases/releases/{full_version_number}/plasticscm/linux/PlasticSCM-{full_version_number}-linux-cloud.tar.gz https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/plastic-releases/releases/{full_version_number}/plasticscm/linux/PlasticSCM-{full_version_number}-linux-dvcs.tar.gz
  4. Hello! Due to project reasons, I need to use the plastic SCM version: on Linux, but through apt-cache madison plasticscm-cloud , I learned that this version can no longer be downloaded. Can you provide some help?
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