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Andres Mendez

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Everything posted by Andres Mendez

  1. I have a plastic client installed on the jenkins agent and wanted to use the mergebot shelve but came across this issue, what I ended up doing was doing the "merge to a shelve" in the agent itselfe this is the groovy sintax to do that def shelveId = powershell(script: ''' $branchName = ''' + "'${env.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_BRANCH_NAME}'" + ''' $mergeOutput = cm merge br:/$branchName --to=br:/main --merge --shelve $Pattern = 'sh:(.*?) ' Write-Host $mergeOutput $shelveId = (([regex]::Matches($mergeOutput, $Pattern)).Groups | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq '1'}).Value return $shelveId ''', returnStdout: true).trim() echo "Shelve ID: ${shelveId}" // Apply the shelve to the workspace bat "cm shelveset apply sh:${shelveId}" hope this helps anyone that come cross this
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