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Cannot perform a partial update


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In VS2010 I just tried to right-click my solution and chose Update to latest Version.

Then I got an error message telling me "Cannot perform a partial update when the workspace is out of date."

What does that mean?

The update I was trying to get was in a writable xlink. Updating in the items explorer worked as expected.

Doesn't updating xlinked changes work with the VS2010 plugin?

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Hi Soho,

From VS2010, when you right click on a path and click on the update option, the update is partial, the entire workspace won't be updated.

This is a behaviour we have recently changed in Plastic but not in Visual Studio yet.

Soon VS2010 will do this same behavior as well.

The error message is nothing related with xlinks. It is because of the update you were performing was a partial update and your workspace was out of date.

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Can you explain what is defined as a partial update?

All changed files in the changeset I was trying to update to were in my solution, however they were in a wxlinked project.

So, the update consisted of an update to the xlink in the mother repo referring to the sub-project where a few files had changed (all in the solution).

Is this a partial update?

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A partial update, as the name suggests, is when you are updating part of your workpace and not the entire workspace. It is just that.

As I've said, from VS2010, when you right click on a path and click on the update option, the update is partial.

If you want to perform a complete update, go to PlasticSCM views and open the "Workspace explorer" view. Click then on the "Update workspace" button.

Soon VS2010 will have this same behavior for the update.

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A partial update, as the name suggests, is when you are updating part of your workpace and not the entire workspace. It is just that.

I might be nitpicking here, but the changes I was trying to update were entirely contained in the solution I right-clicked, thus the entire workspace would have been updated in this case. It looks like the VS2010 plugin consider xlink derived updates to be partial even though the update is entirely contained in the solution.

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Could this perhaps be related to the two different views inside the VS2010 plugin? Inside VS2010 you can pull up the Pending Changes view or the Pending Changes in workspace view. If you were to make changes to files outside of the VS solution they wouldn't be displayed in the first view but would be displayed in the second view.

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Well, that issue is about detected changes when committing. I am trying to update some changes made to solution files in an xlinked repo. Plastic thinks that is a partial update for some reason.

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