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Integration options


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I work in small team and we've been using plastic for a while now. I've found that when using visual studio integration when dealing with check-ins and sometimes updating the solution can files often gives different results to when using the plastic application.

So what I'm currently trying is to remove the visual studio integration and just use the application. This gives the benefit of not having the extra overhead within visual studio as well as forces me to use the outside tool. The problem with doing this is that I'd like the ability within my team to give people the option to do this. Some may well be happy to stay with the integration tool. Is this possible? Removing the integration plugin removes the bindings.

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Hi Erik,

What kind of different results do you get when you use VS Integration?

Regarding the second questions, people who don't want to use the plastic can unregister the VSPackage. They can do it by following these steps:

1.- Close Visual Studio

2.- Open a cmd as administrator and run:

For VS2005: "<plasticclientdir>\tools\regpkg.exe" /unregister "<plasticclientdir>\plasticVSextensibility.dll"
For VS2008: "<plasticclientdir>\tools\regpkg.exe" /root:Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0 /unregister "<plasticclientdir>\plasticVSextensibility.dll"
For VS2010: "<plasticclientdir>\tools\regpkg.exe" /root:Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0 /unregister "<plasticclientdir>\plasticVSextensibility.dll"

The only Drawback is that every time they open the solution or project on Visual Studio, they will be asked to remove the bindings. But just selecting "No" it is possible to work on the project without the source control, and let the other people still using the VS integration.

Of course, for new installations it is easier to no to install the VS Plastic plugin ;)

Note: To register again the plugin:

For VS2005: "<plasticclientdir>\tools\regpkg.exe" /codebase "<plasticlientdir>\plasticVSextensibility.dll"
For VS2008: "<plasticclientdir>\regpkg.exe" /root:Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0 /codebase "<plasticlientdir>\plasticVSextensibility.dll"
For VS2010: "<plasticclientdir>\regpkg.exe" /root:Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0 /codebase "<plasticlientdir>\plasticVSextensibility.dll"

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Apologies for the late reply on this and thank you for getting back to me.

We found that use the visual studio integration we could refresh endless times and then check in everything only to refresh and there were still further files that needed to be checked in. This seemed a bit strange however when checking using the plastic client everything works fine.

I've managed to move everybody through to just using the client, but yes the ignore option would be great.

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I'm also wondering if this comes back to the two different "Pending changes" vies in visual studio. Inside Visual Studio, when you open up "Pending Changes" you have two options: "Pending changes in solution" and "Pending changes in workspace". If you have any controlled files outside of the solution, they won't show up in the first view.

I've also seen this happen when I use the Plastic GUI to check-in, and forget to hit "Save All..." after adding or removing a file to the project/solution. I check-in, and then I save my project file and now the project file has changed and I need to check that in. Those are the only two ways I've seen this problem come up.

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