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Switching branches causes "wrong" folders to be included


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I am currently evaluating Plastic SCM, so I may have this all wrong.

I have my local working folder setup like this:



I created a workspace based on Source\PowerBuilder\ and was checking in and out with no problem. I just created a child branch and when I switched workspace to that branch Plastic added C:\Source\Oracle\... to the branch.

Is that supposed to happen?



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Hello, Tom:

It sounds a bit strange, because if the root of your workspace is C:\Source\PowerBuilder\ then C:\Source\Oracle\ is completely out of your workspace. It is not possible that that path has been included in the repository automatically.

As I see the problem (correct me if I am wrong), maybe you have (or had) a workspace in C:\Source\Oracle\ and you added that content to your default repository. Then, you created another workspace in C:\Source\PowerBuilder\ and added its content. When you created a child branch and switched to it, an automatic update (which you can deactivate in the preferences, but I don't recommend it) was performed, and you saw all the repository contents added from both paths.

Probably that is the case. Could you confirm it by checking if there is another workspace in C:\Source\Oracle\? (using the Plastic GUI client in the top of the main window, or typing "cm lwk" in a console) If not, may be you deleted it; maybe you can restart your evaluation and check whether you can reproduce it.

I expect that you'll find this information helpful.



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Hi, Tom:

So, that is the reason: you created a workspace and added its content. After that, you created another workspace and added its content to the SAME repository. When the workspace was updated (manually or automatically when switching to branch), all the repository content was loaded in your workspace.



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Hi Luis -

Well, the Oracle folders were added to a different Workspace, not the same one with my PB source.

PB Workspace


Oracle Workspace


Based on your notes it seems that if I want to keep my Oracle and PB source totally separate, I'd need another repository, right?

More than likely, when I load this I will use the following structure so that my entire product is stored together and branched accordingly:




\SQL Server... and so on

Thank you for your explanation.


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Yes, that's the idea.

The most common case is using a different repository for each project (I recommend this); so if you want the structure that you have exposed, you need to create two repositories and add each content to the appropiate repository from different workspaces.

Afterwards, you can load in a single workspace both repositories, or have several workspaces using the same repository... there are a large number of possibilities ;-)

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