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Label color


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Is there any way for changing the color of a label?

I use attributes and filters to change branch color but I don't know how to do it with labels.

By the way, when I use attributes+filters to modify branch color, it's only applied for that workspace. How can I do for it to be applied to all the workspaces at once?


Thanks in advance.

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  • 4 months later...


Could we make this a feature request then?

We'd really like to use labels for a lot of things ("ready for integration", "merged but task still open", "needs upstream cherrypick", "is internal baseline", "is customer release", ...). But without label colors these disctinctions are of little use in the branch explorer, as you'd have to click on each label (or try to read the lightgrey-on-white labeltext which is cut of after like 10 characters).

Label colors would REALLY help a lot there.



Also re "Inclusion/Exclusion rules and format rules are applied for all the workspaces.": that is true, but it requires a client restart (or actually closing the Branch Explorer tab and then re-opening it) - just clicking refresh in the other workspace(s) does not update any coloring info for example.


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