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Overlapping changesets

David R

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Other people on the team used the new 'merge changeset to' feature to move a main branch changeset to a new branch.

Now in Branch Explorer the main branch and the new branch overlap so they cannot be moved using relayout mode.

You can just about see overlapping labels and when you right click it shows the two changesets.

Apologies if my terms are incorrect as I am a new Plastic SCM user. on Windows 7 and Windows 10.

How do we separate the changesets?





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I added a change to extend the branch so it could be selected and moved.

The main line branch is still attached to the other branch and moves with it. See the fainter label under the selected branch/changeset.

I would caution people using the the feature which I believe is Advanced, "Move changeset to a different branch".

Apologies if we have used this incorrectly.




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I'm a little confused.

1 hour ago, David R said:

Now in Branch Explorer the main branch and the new branch overlap


1 hour ago, David R said:

You can just about see overlapping labels

So you have both the branches and the label overlapped? I can see how you cset is having two label applied, that can happen, it's not a problem, in fact, you can have as many labels as you want applied for the same changeset.

1 hour ago, David R said:

The main line branch is still attached to the other branch and moves with it. See the fainter label under the selected branch/changeset.

I'm sorry but I'm not sure if I understand what do you mean, I see the changeset with the two labels, that changeset is the fist changeset on the "/master/20012 DWM" branch, and that branch is child of "/master" but I can't see master in your screenshots, I guess it's out of frame and not overlapped with its child, right?


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Hi David,

but "Build_Nighly_88" is not a branch, not even a changeset, it's a label. That label changeset is sharing the changeset with another label that is called "Build_Checkin_245". Both labels are labeling the changeset you moved from "/master" to "/master/20012 DWM".



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Hi manu,

Thank you for your comments.

I see what you mean about labels. A bit of user education here :)

We will talk to our Continuous Integration colleague. It is that process that does the 'Build_...'

It seems to have followed this branch instead of stopping at the main.

So more work to be done here that may take awhile due to obtaining staff time and one being off sick.

It will also be interesting to see what happens when another change is added to the master branch.

Will be in touch.



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Hi All,

Just to close out this query.

It was us mis-understanding of what was being shown in Branch Explorer. We do not have 100% confidence in it sometimes due to the inability to select and move things sometimes.

In this case labels had been applied by our Build Server which looked to us like a changeset.

We also thought the Build Server had followed a branch instead of the main branch. In fact when we moved changesets, probably the labels had already been applied.

Thank you to manu for help us understand the situation.

Best regards to all,


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