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Unable to connect to the remote server


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Hello, my colleagues are happily using Plastic Cloud, however I get the following error when I try to pull:



The sync process was unable to replicate the following branch:

Error description: 
Unable to connect to the remote server


It happens at the "Introducing Files" stage, which stalls at 0% for a short while before the error pops up. My credentials all check out and I can see all the changes as they are pushed, I just can't seem to sync. Is there any obvious reason why this might be the case?



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Hi James,

Could you check in the Preferences --> Profiles that you don't have any extra profile with wrong credentials or pointing to a wrong remote server?

Please check that you are able to list both the cloud and local repositories.

PD: We should get more details from the "plastic.debug.log.txt" file in the "server" folder.



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