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Error 10054 when attempting python api example


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I have installed a local server for testing the python api, but am running into a problem.

I am testing the CM LREP code found at the top of the page at:


This always fails with:

('Connection aborted.', error(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host'))

I am:

  • not using ssl
  • windows firewall is totally disabled
  • localhost is enabled in c:/windows/system32/etc/hosts file
  • server address is the default localhost:8087
  • I have tried with the same result
  • I have run: cm lrep localhost:8087 and get a valid response:
  • If i run: cm lrep localhost:8087/api/v1/repos I get the following response:

I am totally stumped here... any clues would be deeply appreciated!

- Aleks




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Ok, in the tradition of all my posts on forums recently, I answer my own questions, because I missed something in my reading of documentation.

I needed to start the plasticapi first, and the api itself also runs by default on port 9090.

See here: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/restapi/plastic-scm-version-control-rest-api-guide.shtml#Introduction


- Aleks

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