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Personal Edition for small team. Some questions.


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Hello we are small team(3-4 ppl) who are looking for some version control system.

We do not know yet which we will use. I was thinking about git or perforce but accidentally found plasticScm. 

I cannot find information about license so I ask here:

I wanna install plasticSCm on my server but how it is working? 

Can we use  this(personal) version but it will not have all functions Unity plugin, support, etc. or only one person can connect because it has only one slot so it is impossible to work in team. 

Git - free gitLab, BitBucket(up to 5) or own host.

Perforce - free up to 5 users. 

Svn - free. 

PlasticSCM Personal Edition -?

 Thank you for your time. 

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Thanks for your question.

Personal Edition is a free license for hobbyists and individuals (1 license not to be shared by a team). Community Edition is a free license for OSS projects or non-profit organizations.

For small teams, Team and Cloud Edition licenses are an affordable monthly or anual per user subscription licenses up to 15 users or less. Team Edition lets you have a central server in your office (or several ones) and check-in directly to the central on-premise server. With Cloud Edition you have a Cloud server and optional local cloned repos, and work in push/pull mode. You can evaluate both editions during 30 days and then make a decision.  

Please, let us know if you need further clarification.



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Hi Frantik,

Plastic SCM for small teams has two options: the Team Edition and the Cloud Edition.

These are the main differences between Plastic SCM Team Edition and Cloud Edition:  (at the bottom of the Cloud Edition page you will find a more detailed explanation:

  • Team Edition lets you have a central server in your office (or several ones if you wish) and it costs 9.95/user per month or $113/user per year.
  • Team Edition allows you to check-in directly to the central on-premise server, no local server needed (but you can use it if you wish a Distributed Version Control workflow). 
  • You can add Cloud Extension to Team Edition, so you can have a server service in the cloud. You only pay for the storage used by the whole team, starting at $4.95/month up to 15GB. Above that, it has the same prices of the Cloud Edition storage (see them below)
  • Cloud Edition you must have a central server in the Cloud (not on premise), you may check directly against your Cloud repos.  As in Team Edition, you may setup a local server/repo on your machine(s) (and implement a DVCS workflow, so you make check-ins against your local repo and then you'd need to make a push/pull action against the central server (Cloud Server). It is the same workflow used in cloud services like GitHub or Bitbucket.
  • Cloud Edition it costs $6,95/user per month including 5GB storage, for the whole team. If you need more capacity, the prices are:
    • between 5 GB and 15 GB - $4.95 / month per team
    • between 15 GB and 100 GB - $19.95 / month per team
    • exceeding 100 GB each 50 GB extra bucket will cost and additional $7.45 per month per team (for example $27.40 for 100-150 GB, $34.85 for 150-200 GB, etc).
  • Users using Plastic Gluon, the artist-oriented workflow, and UI for games or 3D development, which is included in Cloud Edition and Team Edition,  must check-in directly to the cloud server because Plastic Gluon works only in a centralized mode. It is a very simple workflow used in large studios such as Telltale Games. You may use this for Unity Projects.

You can subscribe to any of these editions online here: https://www.plasticscm.com/pricing.html. You have 30 days trial period for all our editions.

You may wonder, why Plastic SCM is different from the rest of Version Control products, (well, it is probably the best and least known of all you mentioned and still used by large multinationals with +2,000 seats, or thousands of small teams like yours doing creative software, apps, games, VR or 3D Design, etc. Nonetheless, well here is a short list or key differentiators (with emphasis in teams working in Games/VR/3D, there are others for heavy coders though):

  • Fully Distributed or Centralized Repositories
  • Branching and Merging Made Simple & Powerful, included unique Semantic capabilities
  • Rich Graphical User Interface or Straight CLI
  • Native Support for Large Assets and Binary Files
  • Specific Workflow for Artists in Game Dev, 3D or VR design (Plastic Gluon, included in all editions)
  • Security Management of the Source Code
  • Reliable & Scalable Repositories Storage with BLOB support
  • Native Plugins for Unity 3D & UE

Please, let us know if you need further information, and you may write us at sales@codicesofware.com 

Thank you!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok thank you for your answers and time, we are team of hobbits who start to work on small project (after work) so we cannot offer now 5 x $113/y for hobby. 

We will choose some free solution at this moment, maybe in a future we will think about Plastic. 

Have a nice day. 

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