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Note about ignore.conf in version

Johan Ung

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There were some bug fixes made to ignore/hidden etc patterns in version, nice! But one thing to note is that 


worked before to ignore all folders named obj, now it looks like the rule has to be


Intended? Will you be able to differ between a file named obj and a folder named obj?

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The rules with:  

obj/   -->Apply to the folder content but not to itself.

If you want to ignore the folder you need to use:


We are creating new documentation with the last changes we have performed in the rules so everything is clear. We will include some examples.

Sorry for the inconveniences,


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Yes, would be nice if someone pointed out big changes like a change to the ignore rules behavior instead of leaving us all to scratch our heads wondering why all the previously ignored folders are suddenly showing up after working fine for 2 years.


I would like to review a clear and comprehensive set of ignore file documentation. Where exactly is that maintained?


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