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Access to Issue Tracker's Source


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We are looking to extend the editor. We want to add a more rigid workflow like 'Git Flow' to our team. It seems like creating a custom issue tracker will allow us to add additional support for this (ie. create hotfix branch). The problem is, we are already using the Jira issue tracker extension. In a perfect world, we could just extend/alter the existing issue tracker to add support for creating feature/bugfix/hotfix branches. Right now, we would have to roll our own version of the Jira extension just so we can add the additional buttons we need.

Is it possible to release the source for your existing trackers?

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You would like to see the client code of the JIRA integration, correct? The code is not anything fancy, so no issue sharing it, but it depends on some internals that would make it harder to release.


But, do you know you can create your own easily? https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/extensions/plastic-scm-version-control-task-and-issue-tracking-guide.shtml#WritingPlasticSCMcustomextensions 


I'm not sure if everything you need to do will be included in the interface we created for the extensions. Please check and we can talk about it here or even have an online session to discuss.





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