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Community edition configuration issues on Mac OS X


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I installed this recently and got it configured to use local users. I have not yet generated a license for this install. I was hoping to see something that told me "You need to generate a license first to do this."

So, I tried listing users using:

$ cm lu

Error: The requested address is not valid in this context

Anything referring to the a server by name or by IP produces this message. If I just give it a bogus name it says "No such host is known." What the heck is going on here?



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Hi Clint,

When you install Plastic, by default, even before setting up the Community Edition license, you have a 5 users lic for 30 days.

IN order to install the new lic, download the file (follow the steps on the email or website) and replace your plasticd.lic file (server's path location) by the new one.

Now, regarding the "lu" command, remember the correct spec for a plastic server is IP (or name) + port:

So, try cm lu



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Hi Pablo:

Thanks. That explains why it's still alive for now. I generated a new license file and will install it later.

The problem is you must deliberately include a port number when specifying your server. Wow, that is a huge case of bad error messaging:

$ cm lu

Error: The requested address is not valid in this context

$ cm lu

<Lots of valid output regarding UNIX groups and users on my local box>

My suggestion is to assume 8084 unless otherwise specified by the user.



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