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How to transfer package data


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Hello guys, I am confused on how one would go about ensuring that members of my team receive the packages I upload to the project.  Now I have seen my URP packages tracked and other packages, but for some reason custom packages as .tarbell  or from git that I install are not.I am using a custom package from AWS for game lift services and which instals a SDK and some APIs. After checking in my changes though, my team is not receiving the packages. So what does my team and I need to do to allow us to have consistent environments without the need to manually install the package into each members environment? This package comes with personalization features as well so I would like to keep it equivalent in all environments,, which not having it update through plastic makes much harder to do.

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Hey Ollie thank you for responding. To clarify I am using Unity Engine's Package Manager to include the AWS GameLift SDK into my Unity project using a git repository/ Tarbell file. I am new to Plastic SCM and partially new to Unity so I am not sure how I would go about producing a reprex for this particular circumstance.  I don't have access to the code, at least to my knowledge, that handles the inclusion of such files into Unity Engine. Nor do I think I have access to Plastic SCM's solution for merging, unless you are speaking of the Workspace Explorer. The project and AWS SDK work perfectly on my device, but the package file is not updating in Unity's Library/PackageCache when performing a merge. 

Originally the file did not even exist when performing a merge until I removed it from the ignore list. The file though remains empty now during a merge and I would like to avoid removing all the contents from the ignore list, as I have no idea what effects this would have.

If there is a means for me to produce a reprex for you pertaining to the merging of Packages in Unity via Plastic SCM, please tell me and I will post it as quickly as possible.  I assume this to be accessable in the Plastic SCM application but, again being new I am unsure.

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Any packages referenced/installed via Unity's PackageManager will have the necessary configuration info in /Packages/manifest.json , so as long as you don't have that file (or the parent folder) in ignore.conf or hidden_changes.conf or cloaked.conf, any changes you do in the PackageManager should update that file, which you then need to commit.

This is true for regular Unity packages, for external packages (=scoped registries) such as OpenUPM, and for GitHub URLs. Local packages generally refer to absolute pathes on your local Workspace machine, so you'll need to take care that these are available on everyone's machine (however, you can edit manifest.json to make the references pathes relative). For embedded packages, make sure to NOT have /Packages and any embedded packages in that folder in your ignore.conf, and then commit your /Packages/com.my.embedded.package to your repo.

Never put anything in /Library into version control. Never manually edit anything in /Library/PackageCache - it's exactly that: a (read-only) cahce, that can and will be overwritten at any time.

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