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CmdRunner worries


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Some time ago I got a tip on this forum to look into CmdRunner to improve performance for custom tool integrations. I am currently testing out https://github.com/PlasticSCM/plastic-cmdrunner , and while it seems to have better performance, I have some worries it would be nice to have cleared up:


  • The repo hasn't had any updates for 5 years. Is it still actively maintained?
  • There are a couple of long-standing unresolved issues, particularly this one (I'm not usually working on Windows so it's a bit cumbersome to test given that there's no specific repro-steps I realize there are kind of repro steps by re-reading the issue again), which I'm not sure if is still a problem, or if the suggested fix is causing any unexpected side-effects: https://github.com/PlasticSCM/plastic-cmdrunner/issues/1 
    While Mac is our main development platform, some of our team members occasionally work on Windows, so I'm not sure how likely we are to get affected by this.
  • There's no license attached to the repo, so I'm a bit hesitant to use it for production (I filed an issue about this).


Edit: FWIW I would very much prefer the CLI tools to be fast enough to not need this kind of wrapping. Are there any plans on looking into this? The conclusion from this thread was that it's caused by application launch overhead: https://forum.plasticscm.com/topic/23494-cli-tools-slow/#comment-46676

Using the CLI tools manually works okay-ish, but it's incredibly much slower than say Git just to get the current workspace status.





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Hi Trond,

On 1/20/2023 at 5:09 AM, Trond said:

The repo hasn't had any updates for 5 years. Is it still actively maintained?

Yes, the cmdRunner is maintained as it is a wrapper for the console commands.


On 1/20/2023 at 5:09 AM, Trond said:

so I'm not sure how likely we are to get affected by this.

This issue report is the only report about that problem we have had since the release, so it is very unlikely you will get affected.


On 1/20/2023 at 5:09 AM, Trond said:

There's no license attached to the repo, so I'm a bit hesitant to use it for production (I filed an issue about this).

I see the issue, let me talk to the Dev Team to see if they can find a spot to solve it.


On 1/20/2023 at 5:09 AM, Trond said:

Edit: FWIW I would very much prefer the CLI tools to be fast enough to not need this kind of wrapping. Are there any plans on looking into this? The conclusion from this thread was that it's caused by application launch overhead: https://forum.plasticscm.com/topic/23494-cli-tools-slow/#comment-46676

About this I will use the same conversation with the Dev team to check what are the plans for it.




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