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Using PlasticSCM with JIRA issue tracking Offline


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We are planning to use PlasticSCM integrated with JIRA issue tracking tool on our project. We have multiple parallel distributed software development environments; one where JIRA Server is available all the time(online) and others where no connection with the Server is available and issues have to be kept track of "Offline" and synchronized back with the Server at a later time.

Is there a recommended method for supporting offline/distributed mode work using PlasticSCM coupled with JIRA issue tracking without a lot of manual book-keeping (hence error-prone)?

We need to be able to create issues "Offline", use these issues to create PlasticSCM "branches" for offline development and sync the JIRA issues and PlastiSCM changes back to the Server later.

If another issue tracking tool handles this use case better than JIRA, please provide us feedback on how you used it, any pitfalls to avoid and any other suggestions.



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> We are planning to use PlasticSCM

> integrated with JIRA issue tracking

> tool on our project.

Sounds like a great combination! :)

> We have multiple parallel distributed

> software development environments;

> one where JIRA Server is available all

> the time(online) and others where no

> connection with the Server is available

> and issues have to be kept track of

> "Offline" and synchronized back with

> the Server at a later time.

Well, but I guess that this site will still have an available Plastic SCM server, right?

If so, there's no problem: you just create your "task branches" and you can link them (setting the right JIRA number) later when you get the connection restablished.

> Is there a recommended method for

> supporting offline/distributed mode

> work using PlasticSCM coupled with

> JIRA issue tracking without a lot

> of manual book-keeping (hence

> error-prone)?

Well, what I do is try to have the issues created upfront, then I just create my branches on my distributed server (on my laptop) and push back to the main server when I'm back online. It's manual, but it is extremely simple.

> We need to be able to create issues

> "Offline",

I'm not familiar with how JIRA deals with OFFLINE work...

> use these issues to create

> PlasticSCM "branches" for offline

> development

This is easy, this is the default: just create the branches on your distributed repo.

> and sync the JIRA issues

> and PlastiSCM changes back

> to the Server later.

> If another issue tracking tool

> handles this use case better than

> JIRA, please provide us feedback

> on how you used it, any pitfalls

> to avoid and any other suggestions.

Well, issues normally come from a planning process... so just create them upfront, that's all. If you need to work on a new issue and you still don't have an "issue number", just give it a temporary name, and rename it later, before pushing it back to the main server. Easy.

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