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TeamCity and PlasticSCM4


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We'll study your suggestion carefully; I really like all the JetBrains products, specially IntelliJ and ReSharper, so maybe it would be a good idea to write a plugin for YouTrack.



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I think everyone would benefit if you open sourced all third party plugins including the issue trackers.

That way impatient users could actually do some work for you and the users would be able to fix problems that might be corner cases and low priority for you.

Optimally something like github, where the whole plugin repository was available and users could upload branches with fixes. I mean you are in a special situation when you make a tool for developers. If you want to hit a broader ordience you should make Plastic more customizable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using the latest version of teamcity and I had to put it in: C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins If I put it in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\plugins (as I was interpreting the instructions to mean), the zip file would just disappear and nothing would be installed. Also, you should mention that you need to be A) Logged in as the user/account that the teamcity service runs under (and it's both Teamcity webserver, and Teamcity Build Agent services) when you run the user config, or B) Know how to copy the client.conf file to the appropriate location.

I guess I shouldn't have said "... very wrong". That was frustration talking I guess; sorry about that.

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Hi CodingGorilla, Ignacio

I've just checked with the engineer the tested version and it was a TeamCity 6.0.1, I think the newer one is the 6.5 we will test on it also.

Can you guys share your version with us? In our TeamCity machine the right path is: /home/myUser/BuildServer/plugins

We are going to start in the "cm log" fix. I think next Monday we will have a new release with the fix.

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Notice we are using Windows, I say that because "/home/myUser/BuildServer/plugins" seems to be a Unix path.

Also notice that TeamCity features a Server and many Agents, that can be remote, which are the machines that execute the builds.

It is in the server configuration folder in which we must put the plugin, not the default agent one as Gorilla interpreted.

By default, the server configuration folder is <TeamCityDir>\ServerConfig when you execute it as a service. If you execute it as a process (<TeamCityDir>\bin\teamcity-server.bat start), it still uses the folder that you indicate in the instructions (<userProfile>\.BuildServer). That caused me a little headache when I was configuring TeamCity!

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