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Everything posted by estevao_ag

  1. Ohhh. One thing I noticed is that when using the UI, I do need to click a branch on the branch explorer, to be able to have the option to do the sync. So maybe I needed to update my repspec to have a branch information, right? Looking on cm help objectspec doc: -- Branch spec (brspec) -- br:[/]br_name[@repspec] Examples: cm switch br:/main@rep:plastic@repserver:skull:9095 (In this case "br:", "rep" and "repserver" are not needed, so the command admits a much shorter form: "cm switch main@plastic@skull:9095".) -- Branch spec (brspec) -- br:[/]br_name[@repspec] Examples: cm switch br:/main@rep:plastic@repserver:skull:9095 (In this case "br:", "rep" and "repserver" are not needed, so the command admits a much shorter form: "cm switch main@plastic@skull:9095".) I would guess all I need to do is: <BRANCH>@<REPO>@<ORGNAME>@cloud But then I receive the following error: The specified repository couldn't be found: br:main@Test02. main is the BRANCH and Test02 is the REPO If I remove the branch, I get back to the original error: Error: The credentials introduced for the repository are not valid Hopefully this helps a little bit more on understanding what may be missing
  2. When I run command from cmd: cm sync <REPO>@<ORGNAME>@cloud git https://<USER>:<PASS>@dev.azure.com/<FULL REPO URL> I get the following error: Error: The credentials introduced for the repository are not valid *FULL REPO URL has spaces and azure updates it to use %20 (I tested replacing %20 with <space> and <"> before and after, but didn't work too) Log with cm.log.conf: 2022-08-09 14:20:08,748 ERROR 4 sync - Error running sync: The credentials introduced for the repository are not valid. StackTrace: 2022-08-09 14:20:08,777 ERROR 1 sync - Sync error: The credentials introduced for the repository are not valid 2022-08-09 14:20:08,780 ERROR 1 cm - Plastic client version: 2022-08-09 14:20:08,781 ERROR 1 cm - The credentials introduced for the repository are not valid 2022-08-09 14:20:08,783 DEBUG 1 cm - The credentials introduced for the repository are not valid at Codice.Client.BaseCommands.SyncCmd.Synchronize(SyncSettings settings) at Codice.Client.BaseCommands.SyncCmd.Execute(CommandLineArguments cla) at Codice.Client.cm.MainClass.Main(String[] args)
  3. Hi, @calbzam, is this still the right solution for when you have a PlasticSCM Cloud version? Best to you,
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