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Posts posted by psantosl

  1. Hi JarJarThomas,

    What you're describing is almost an "evil twin" scenario.

    Plastic identifies items (files and directories) with "unique item ids", so if you add foo.c to /main/task001 and another foo.c to /main/task002, they'll show up as different items because plastic tracks them independently.

    This way of working is pretty good for most situations, but as you mention not as good for an scenario like yours.

    But, in real life, it is hard to see a situation like that. The normal thing is that you add your code on the /main branch (for instance) and then you branch from there, and adding whole new trees on branches is perfectly doable, although it will be very rare that they'll collide.


  2. Very useful!

    I'm afraid the doc you found works for Windows only.

    The "embedded" on Linux is not a good option (it doesn't work, ok, it does but Firebird crashes with more than one thread). That's why we used to package a Firebird build, but we switched to SQLite a few months ago.

    Question: don't we say SQLite is the default and only used for eval purposes during the install? Maybe we only say it if you run the installer in GUI mode.

    Check this: http://www.plasticscm.com/infocenter/technical-articles/kb-plastic-scm-database-backend-migrating-sqlite-to-mysql.aspx, what we're missing is something similar but for SQLite to Firebird :)


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