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Why can two developers not both work on the same file like any other version control software


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We have 2 developers. we try to work on the same branch unless we are doing something major. We are using Visual Studio 2010

Scenario : I am able to check out some files and make changes. the other developer checks in some changes. I do an update which makes me merge and i process the merge. I build and test and decide every thing is ok so i want to check it in.

About 2/3 of the time, i am able to check in and everything works just like any version control software.

The other 1/3 of the time, i get the following message:

"Cannot perform a partial checkin if there are pending merge links. All changes must be checked in together to ensure that the merbge traceability is correctly stored. Please repeat the operation including all pending changes."

The thing is i am including all pending changes.

If i try to do an undo at this point (again all files), it won't let me do that either.

I have to copy off all of the files i changed as well as all of the files the other developer checked in. I then have to create a new workspace and a new source folder. I then have to update all of the files, copy the saved off version of the files i changed and then check in. It is a pain in the ass to have to do this 1-2 times a day.

Why do i even have a source control software if I have to do it myself. I have used 3 other version control packages in the past and all of them let us merge and check in.

I need to either have someone tell me how to get PlasticSCM to work, or change to a working version control software package. I prefer to keep PlasticSCM since I don't want to loose our current change history.

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Are you attempting to do this check in from the GUI tool or visual studio? One thing that I've found, is the visual studio plugin usually only sees files that are part of the VS solution/project while there may be controlled files that are not included in the solution that have changed. So when you try to do a check-in after a merge like that, the visual studio addin is not actually including all of the files. If you jump out to the GUI tool you can find the files which it's missing.

I'm not sure if this behavior is by design or not, but might be worth looking into.

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There are two views in visual studio "Pending Changes Under Solution" and "Pending Changes Under Workspace". I believe the second one pulls in everything, but the first only looks at the visual studio controlled files. At least that's how I thought it was supposed to work.

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There are two views in visual studio "Pending Changes Under Solution" and "Pending Changes Under Workspace". I believe the second one pulls in everything, but the first only looks at the visual studio controlled files. At least that's how I thought it was supposed to work.

Cool! I never noticed that before, thanks! But maybe the OP is making the same mistake I did.

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