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Getting error "An item with the same key has already been added" after upgrading to 4.1 from 3.0


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We recently upgraded from 3.0 to 4.1 and moved our repsitory using the fast-export/fast-import procedure.

Initially, everything seemed to have worked well (after fixing the user permissions). However, we now have a problem where we received "An item with the same key has already been added" when trying to check in or update.

We can get around this error by undoing all checkouts and trying again. However, only the user that has most recently checked in a file works normally - the other user will receive the error message.

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2012-07-06 09:57:27,595 ERROR CmProxy - Error invoking method [TryCheckIn] [plastic://pdxdevssafe:8087/ItemHandler] There has been an unexpected error "An item with the same key has already been added.". For more information check the server log.

2012-07-06 09:57:27,595 DEBUG Checkin - Error: There has been an unexpected error "An item with the same key has already been added.". For more information check the server log.

2012-07-06 09:57:27,595 INFO Performance - Checkin - TOTAL: 171ms

2012-07-06 09:57:27,595 DEBUG Checkin - __ Checkin ends _______________________________

2012-07-06 09:57:30,724 ERROR plastic - Plastic SCM client version:

2012-07-06 09:57:30,724 ERROR plastic -

Error message: There has been an unexpected error "An item with the same key has already been added.". For more information check the server log.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,725 DEBUG plastic -


Server stack trace:

at Codice.CM.Server.TransactionInterceptor.TryCheckIn(Int64 repId, Int64 brId, SerializedTreeChangedNode changedTree, TryCheckinSource tryCiSource)

at Codice.CM.Server.TriggerInterceptor.TryCheckIn(Int64 repId, Int64 brId, SerializedTreeChangedNode changedTree, TryCheckinSource tryCiSource)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)

Exception rethrown at [0]:

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)

at Codice.CM.Interfaces.IItemHandler.TryCheckIn(Int64 repId, Int64 brId, SerializedTreeChangedNode changedTree, TryCheckinSource tryCiSource)

at bo.a(ae A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2)

at a2.m(ae A_0)

at ia.a(ae A_0, a A_1)

at a2.o(ae A_0)

at ia.b(CheckinParams A_0)

at Codice.CM.Client.Gui.GuiItem.a(ap A_0, String[] A_1, String A_2, Boolean A_3, ICheckinOperation A_4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,751 INFO TimerPerformance - LoadWorkspaceContent time 0 for 9 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,751 INFO TimerPerformance - GetPhysicalEntries time 0 for 11 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 INFO TimerPerformance - LoadChildren time 15 for 11 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - Action: Save, File: C:\Users\jwalker\AppData\Local\plastic4\guiclient.conf

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - GuiClientConfigData:

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - AnnotateBackColorNewer -> -1

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - AnnotateBackColorOlder -> -12360836

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - AnnotateShowLineNumbers -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - CommentsHistorySize -> 10

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - CommitCalculateManuallyMoved -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - CommitShowChanged -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - CommitShowCheckouts -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - CommitShowDeleted -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - CommitShowPrivates -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - ComparisonMethod -> NotIgnore

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - DisplayViewHints -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - Encoding -> NONE

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - HeaderCommentMode -> None

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - HelpBaseURL ->

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - ItemViewMode -> a

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - LastUsedRepository -> default (pdxdevssafe:8087)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,756 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - LastUsedRepServer ->

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - MergeResolutionType -> Forced

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - SelectorExplorerViewMode -> a

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - ShowAddComments -> False

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - ShowEmptyCommentWarning -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - ShowIgnoredItems -> False

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - UpdateChecksDisk -> False

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - ShowCurrentUser -> False

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - WarnMoveOperationPermissions -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - WarnPendingChangesOnSwitch -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - ErrorPendingChangesOnSwitch -> True

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - AnnotateFont ->

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - EnableMethodHistory -> False

2012-07-06 09:57:30,757 DEBUG GuiClientConfigData - EnableMergeTo -> False

2012-07-06 09:57:30,758 INFO TimerPerformance - LoadWorkspaceContent time 0 for 9 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,758 INFO TimerPerformance - GetPhysicalEntries time 0 for 11 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,763 INFO TimerPerformance - LoadChildren time 0 for 11 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,763 INFO TimerPerformance - LoadWorkspaceContent time 0 for 13 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,764 INFO TimerPerformance - GetPhysicalEntries time 0 for 14 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,771 INFO TimerPerformance - LoadChildren time 16 for 14 objects

2012-07-06 09:57:30,774 INFO TimerPerformance - RefreshAfterCheckin time 47

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - Load commit view preferences

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - WorkspaceStatusOptions: [CalculateLocalMoves | FindChanged | FindCheckouts | FindLocallyDeleted | FindPrivates]

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - Load commit view preferences

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - WorkspaceStatusOptions: [CalculateLocalMoves | FindChanged | FindCheckouts | FindLocallyDeleted | FindPrivates]

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - Load commit view preferences

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - WorkspaceStatusOptions: [CalculateLocalMoves | FindChanged | FindCheckouts | FindLocallyDeleted | FindPrivates]

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - Load commit view preferences

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - WorkspaceStatusOptions: [CalculateLocalMoves | FindChanged | FindCheckouts | FindLocallyDeleted | FindPrivates]

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - Load commit view preferences

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - WorkspaceStatusOptions: [CalculateLocalMoves | FindChanged | FindCheckouts | FindLocallyDeleted | FindPrivates]

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - Load commit view preferences

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - WorkspaceStatusOptions: [CalculateLocalMoves | FindChanged | FindCheckouts | FindLocallyDeleted | FindPrivates]

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - Load commit view preferences

2012-07-06 09:57:30,775 DEBUG CommitViewControl - WorkspaceStatusOptions: [CalculateLocalMoves | FindChanged | FindCheckouts | FindLocallyDeleted | FindPrivates]

2012-07-06 09:57:30,777 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - GetFSNodeFromPath: 0

2012-07-06 09:57:30,778 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - GetWorkspaceTree: 0

2012-07-06 09:57:30,778 DEBUG BuildChangesTreeForPath - Processing recursive children

2012-07-06 09:57:30,778 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - GetTreeChangedNode: 0

2012-07-06 09:57:30,785 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,785 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,786 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 6459 bytes in 16559 bytes. Time: 15 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,786 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,786 INFO Serialization - ChangesetExtendedInfoArray[88] deserialized in 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,786 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,786 DEBUG ClientSink - | ExecuteSimpleQuery | proc 46 | 15 | 28107184

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - SinkcompressionPool [2] buffers allocated

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 510 bytes in 792 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - UncompressionPool [2] buffers allocated

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (3)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 495 bytes in 736 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (3)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetRepositoryList | proc 15 | 8 | 38929232

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (3)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,788 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetRepositoryInfo | proc 15 | 18 | 38937424

2012-07-06 09:57:30,836 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,836 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,837 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 19805 bytes in 33248 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,837 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,838 DEBUG BrEx - BrEx deserialization 0ms

2012-07-06 09:57:30,838 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,838 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetReleaseDiagramInfo | proc 47 | 18 | 41461248

2012-07-06 09:57:30,858 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,858 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,858 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 583 bytes in 867 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,858 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,858 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,858 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetBranchInfoByName | proc 16 | 18 | 38890328

2012-07-06 09:57:30,870 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,870 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,870 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 495 bytes in 736 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,870 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,870 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,870 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetRepositoryInfo | proc 0 | 20 | 38018560

2012-07-06 09:57:30,881 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,881 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,881 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 510 bytes in 992 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,881 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,881 DEBUG BrEx - BrEx deserialization 0ms

2012-07-06 09:57:30,881 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,881 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetReleaseDiagramInfo | proc 16 | 20 | 39301600

2012-07-06 09:57:30,888 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,888 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,888 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 787 bytes in 1521 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:30,888 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,888 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:30,888 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetMarkerList | proc 0 | 20 | 39996376

2012-07-06 09:57:31,038 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,038 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,038 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 7864 bytes in 19273 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:31,038 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,038 INFO Serialization - RevisionInfoArray[159] deserialized in 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:31,038 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,038 DEBUG ClientSink - | ExecuteSimpleQuery | proc 62 | 16 | 38081128

2012-07-06 09:57:31,050 DEBUG WorkspaceTreeResolver - Time creating the WorkspaceRevisionResolver 0ms

2012-07-06 09:57:31,061 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,061 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,061 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 363 bytes in 628 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:31,061 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,061 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,061 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetLastItemNames | proc 16 | 16 | 43728064

2012-07-06 09:57:31,061 DEBUG ItemLastPath - SolveItemPath: [Time: 16ms. Count: 3]

2012-07-06 09:57:31,061 DEBUG ItemLastPath - GetItemLastPath: [Total: 16ms] [simple Resolution:0] [Complex Resolution:16]

2012-07-06 09:57:31,237 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - Process changes: 452

2012-07-06 09:57:31,237 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - -------ProcessChanges:--------

2012-07-06 09:57:31,237 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - timerProcessChange 236 ms, 6245 times

2012-07-06 09:57:31,237 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - timerGetChangeTypes 62 ms, 6245 times

2012-07-06 09:57:31,237 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - timerNeedToProcessChildren 0 ms, 6245 times

2012-07-06 09:57:31,237 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - Get changes total time: 452

2012-07-06 09:57:31,238 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - Process moved: 16

2012-07-06 09:57:31,238 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus: DiskChangesSearcher - SplitModifiedMovedChanges: 0

2012-07-06 09:57:31,238 DEBUG WorkspaceStatus - Search changes: 468

2012-07-06 09:57:31,238 DEBUG CommitViewBuilder - Get changes from provider: 468

2012-07-06 09:57:31,249 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name SinkcompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,249 DEBUG BufferPool - -> Entering with name UncompressionPool (5)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,249 INFO Serialization - Uncompressed 583 bytes in 867 bytes. Time: 0 ms.

2012-07-06 09:57:31,249 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name SinkcompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,250 DEBUG BufferPool - <- Releasing with name UncompressionPool (4)

2012-07-06 09:57:31,250 DEBUG ClientSink - | GetBranchInfoByName | proc 0 | 19 | 43792072

2012-07-06 09:57:31,314 DEBUG CommitViewBuilder - Build changes: 62

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the stacktrace.

Please, the next time you face the problem please issue the following commands and post us the status.txt and dump.txt files.

1) "cm status --all" > status.txt

2) "cm ls -R --format="{7} {13} {2} {11} #{4}#" > dump.txt"

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