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A generic error occured in GDI+


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Hi binhex,

can you please enable the stacktrace in order to get more info?

To do that, please, edit the file located at:


and add the following entry at the near end of the file:


Can you try the merge operation using the command line? "cm merge --help"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried to merge on the command line...I have a merge that is in progress that must be completed before I CheckIN. The changeset that I need to merge (and can't because of the error above) is 135...I've tried the following syntax, but I keep getting an invalid specification (I've tried a number of variations with no success).

cm merge /main/135

Ideas? I tried the -merge option, but I get an Unexpected option error... (yet this is in the documentation).


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OK. It's an error in the merge tool application. (mergetool.exe)

Try uninstalling Plastic SCM and installing it again, just to see if it's an error with your current binaries or it's an error with the revisions that the merge tool has to merge.

You can also take a look into Beyond compare to avoid the issue: http://www.scootersoftware.com/

This is the line you have to use in order to get it configured with Plastic SCM. (Change the paths if yours are different)

"c:\Program Files (x86)\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe" /automerge /reviewconflicts /lefttitle="Source" /righttitle="Destination" /centertitle="Common Ancestor" /outputtitle="Output" /lro /rro /cro @sourcefile @destinationfile @basefile @output



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Ahhhhhh, I found the problem. I had upgraded but when I ran the program it stated that I needed to "Upgrade" to the version on the server. This is confusing, because what it was actually doing was "Downgrading" me. When I looked in the \PLASTICSCM4 folder I noticed the dates where way back at the first of the year which wasn't right...so I tried the uninstall/reinstall again, and picked up that the server was on a previous version. Once I upgraded the server, then reinstalled, all is happy!!!

Thank you for your help!!!


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