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Pending Changes View: Ctrl+A (Select All) does not work anymore

Olaf Kober

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I often clean up my workspace to get rid of build output... meaning, I enable "Show ignored files", select all files and delete them. In previous versions I was able to use Ctrl+A, now I have to select the first item, hold Shift and select the last one.

Generally, I think it would be great to have Ctrl+A to select everything in the section where I selected items. For example, if I select an item under "Added and private" and use Ctrl+A all items under "Added and private" will be selected, but none from "Changed files", etc.

And by the way, even if the feature was removed... there is a strange behavior. In the current release, you can hit Ctrl+A and nothing happens. Then you right-click an item in the list and suddenly all items are selected... that's strange!

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