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Adding Files from the Command Line


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I'm trying to do a batch update of our plastic repositories from our old CVS system. I don't care about CVS history or anything; it's really a very simple exercise. Here's my methodology:

  • Checkout the repository from CVS
  • Get rid of all the CVS control files
  • Create a workspace for the corresponding repository in Plastic
  • Do some fancy work here to get the workspace in the position I want it (this all works)
  • Remove every file from the plastic workspace
  • Copy all of the files from the CVS checkout folder into the Plastic workspace
  • Add all files and commit them all.

It's rudimentary I know, but it's all I really need to do. When I get to the last step, I am trying to add the files.

cm add -R .\*

The above command is what I'm using to add files. When I use it, I get an error telling me one of the files already exists. I'm executing this in the root of the workspace. Here's my log file:

2012-11-02 12:56:35,786 INFO  4268 cm - STARTING CLIENT
2012-11-02 12:56:36,052 DEBUG 4268 ClientConfig - Time loading client.conf (C:\Documents and Settings\adh\Local Settings\Application Data\plastic4\client.conf) 265 ms
2012-11-02 12:56:36,505 INFO  4268 Performance - Add - Exclude Paths: 62 ms
2012-11-02 12:56:36,677 INFO  4268 Performance - Add - Check Items Exist: 172 ms
2012-11-02 12:56:36,708 INFO  4268 Performance - Add - Build Add Info: 32 ms
2012-11-02 12:56:36,724 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceLockHandler - Create lock for d for workspace c:\cvs_reimport\plastic_workspaces\plastic_update_AlrisService.Net.It locks the workspace.
2012-11-02 12:56:36,724 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceLock - Workspace c:\cvs_reimport\plastic_workspaces\plastic_update_AlrisService.Net locked
2012-11-02 12:56:36,724 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceTree - Initialize - Going to load tree
2012-11-02 12:56:36,724 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceTree - BuildTree for workspace 76d42a3a-203c-42d1-869b-9475c8d94fa0
2012-11-02 12:56:36,739 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceDataStore - GetWorkspaceContent 16 ms
2012-11-02 12:56:36,739 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceTree - BuildTree 16 ms. WkId 76d42a3a-203c-42d1-869b-9475c8d94fa0
2012-11-02 12:56:36,739 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceTree - Initialize - tree timestamp is 634874573417270276/20007
2012-11-02 12:56:36,739 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceLockHandler - Delete lock for d for workspace c:\cvs_reimport\plastic_workspaces\plastic_update_AlrisService.Net.It unlocks the workspace.
2012-11-02 12:56:36,739 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceLock - Workspace c:\cvs_reimport\plastic_workspaces\plastic_update_AlrisService.Net unlocked
2012-11-02 12:56:36,739 DEBUG 4268 WorkspaceTree - Clean() WkId 76d42a3a-203c-42d1-869b-9475c8d94fa0
2012-11-02 12:56:36,755 ERROR 4268 cm - Plastic client version:
2012-11-02 12:56:36,755 ERROR 4268 cm - The item /ALRIS_SERVICE.INI already exists!.
2012-11-02 12:56:36,755 DEBUG 4268 cm - The item /ALRIS_SERVICE.INI already exists!.   at aiy.a(List`1 A_0)
  at abl.a(String[] A_0, AddOptions A_1, SEID A_2, IList& A_3)
  at Codice.Client.BaseCommands.BaseCommandsImpl.a(String[] A_0, AddOptions A_1, SEID A_2, String A_3, String A_4, IList& A_5)
  at aww.a(b A_0)
  at w1.c(String[] A_0)

the command cm fc -R returns nothing.

the command cm fco returns nothing.

the command cm fp -R returns one folder, which is what I want to actually have added.

In this topic: () there's a lot of talk about whether the file exists or not. The file it complains about is already in the repository, I just want to add all private files into the repository.

I am able to do this in the GUI by right-clicking on the root directory and clicking on ("Add directory tree to source control").

Thinking that maybe I need to change the path from .\* to just ., I tried that and then it complains that the root is already in control.

How can I, from the command line, add all private files to the repository?

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Hi carpediemevive,

make sure you are creating a new repository and also a new workspace working with the brand new repository.

Here you have a pseudo algorithm:

cm mkrep projectA

mkdir prjA

cm mkwk wkPrjA --selector=pathToSelectorFile.txt

cm add * -R

cm ci

the pathToSelectorFile.txt is a file with the following content:

repository "prjA"
 path "/"
   smartbranch "/main"  

You have to change the repository name, to work with the recently created.

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Ahh, part of my problem might have been that I was working with an existing repository. Basically I wanted to take everything in the repository that was added and private (not ignored) and add it. I worked around it by constructing the list of such files myself. Having a shortcut would be nice, but not a deal breaker.

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My command-line-fu is weak! I never thought about just piping findprivate into add. Instead I used findprivate to get the list and then took that return and passed it into add with a little reformatting to make sure it looked ago. Piping would have been much more straightforward, easy to read, and easy to write. I will keep this in mind for the future.

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