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Tried to download and test out community edition. having SQL db problems.


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I just tried to download and install the community edition to evaluate the product.


It let me change from the default SQL CE to regular MS SQL, and it seemed to configure it okay, but appears to require an SQL login (which I thought was odd). so I created an SQL account named plastic, and input that. Everything seemed okay except that it then complained when I start up the main GUI that it could not find the database called repositories. So I created one using SQL Management Studio. (Empty, no tables.)


So now when I launch the Plastic SCM Gui, I get this message:


There has been an unexpected error "Invalid object name 'seid'.". For more information check the server log. Plastic client can't continue and will be closed.
I can't see how to get out of this messed up state now. I tried running server config wizard and admin tool, and while they have "migration" assistance, I don't see the "fix up my fracked up db backend" as an option.
Personally, I think that the "client cannot continue and must be closed" message might be a little bit better if it asked you if you'd like to launch some configuration or diagnostic tool to let you figure out why you're hosed, and how to get unhosed. Just sayin'.
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You don´t have to create manually any database. When you start the Plastic server, two database files are automatically created ("repositories.plastic" and "rep_1.plastic"). Using Plastic GUI you will only see a repository called "default".  Please remove, the databases created manually and after restarting Plastic service send us the server log and the content of "db.conf" file. (C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM4\server)


Can you check if all the steps you performed to switch the backend are fine according to this guide: http://www.plasticscm.com/infocenter/technical-articles/kb-how-to-configure-plastic-scm-with-sql-server.aspx

Review that Plastic server has have rights to connect to SQL Server





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is your SQL server on the same machine as plastic?


You may want to look at this link.

Setup PlasticSCM 4.0.239 with MSSQL 2008 R2 on Different Server



Specifically the steps posted by malbelo


I had a similar issue when I first started installing the server, since I was not installing it on the same machine I had SQL server on.

In my case, I was trying to connect to SQL 2005, but the link above lead me through getting it functional.  Once that configuration was complete, Plastic functioned perfectly, and has had no trouble since.

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