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Server - users - limiting access to repos


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Hey all,


I have a plasticscm SERVER at abc.com:8087


On the server there are FOUR repos, A B C D


I use umtool (never untool-gui)


I have many users, fred1, fred2, fred3, fred4 etc.


I understand "groups" using the umtool, no problem


I want user fred1 to have access ONLY TO repo "A" .. for example.


How do I do this?  I just can't find this in the doco.


Cheers guys.

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First of all, I would like to remind you that there are two permission levels:


- Repository server permissions

- Repository permissions.


Repository permissions are inherited from repository server permissions. You can configure "View" permissions per user at repository level (for example giving "fred1" view permissions in repo "A" and dening the permissions for the rest of the repos).


There is a recent post, where we discussed permission configuration. I recommend you the read the last @mawg post where he explains how he configured permissions.




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Hmm -- you know my problem was simpler.  I have found the doco page!




"Security can be also set from the command line client using the cm acl and cm sa commands."


That's all I wanted to know.   cm acl and cm sa.


BUT IN FACT ..... there is a problem ...



root@mail /var/opt/plasticscm4/server # cm acl
Plastic SCM client is not correctly configured for current user: Client config file /root/.plastic4/client.conf not found. Please, execute 'clconfigureclient' to perform a text mode configuration or 'plastic --configure' for graphical mode.
root@mail /var/opt/plasticscm4/server # cm sa
Plastic SCM client is not correctly configured for current user: Client config file /root/.plastic4/client.conf not found. Please, execute 'clconfigureclient' to perform a text mode configuration or 'plastic --configure' for graphical mode.
QUESTION .. if I now run 
IS THAT SAFE?  or will it scratch my repositories?
ie, can I run clconfigureclient to just CHANGE configurations?  or will it scratch my repos and install new ones?
What do you think?
I definitely do not and can not use the silly graphical interfaces, only command line on the server.
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"Yes, you can configure permissions using the client GUI. It´s the easiest way"





BUT ...........................  it's simply doing nothing.  It reads "ALL USERS"


When I click to add one, say "kgroup", the selection dialog disappears, and then it still reads only "ALL USERS".  no change.  No group or individual is added.


The only one I can add is "OWNER" - I can add and delete OWNER.  I cannot delete "ALL USERS" (cannot remove inherited entry)


I can see nothing about this here:







no matter what I do it just says "ALL USERS"


any thoughts?

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It´s a bit strange. Let follow these steps:


- Set your user as repserver owner and "OMTE_REPO" repository owner.

- Edit repserver permissions and delete "ALL_USERS" group and try to set your custom group permissions and  user permissions. Can you set them?

- Edit repository "OMTE_REPO" permissions and try to set your custom group permissions and  user permissions.




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There are three repos on my own server. When I click "Repository server permissions" in fact at the bottom it shows me "jpm" as the "Owner:"


When i click to edit "Repository server permissions". In the upper list "User and groups".  The ONLY one I see is "ALL USERS".


if I change one of the permission of "ALL USERS" (say, "mkchildbranch") it does work fine.


If I try to ADD a new User/group this is under repserver, I can NOT do it.


I click "add".  Select say "jpm".  Click "OK".  It thinks for about five seconds, and then the small dialog goes away.  And then, it still shows only "ALL USERS" on the Users and groups list.


if I click Edit Permissions (not repo permissions) .. same thing.


Can't add any at all!

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Re "Cm acl" ...


as it says above,




root@mail /var/opt/plasticscm4/server # cm acl
Plastic SCM client is not correctly configured for current user: Client config file /root/.plastic4/client.conf not found. Please, execute 'clconfigureclient' to perform a text mode configuration or 'plastic --configure' for graphical mode.
root@mail /var/opt/plasticscm4/server # cm sa
Plastic SCM client is not correctly configured for current user: Client config file /root/.plastic4/client.conf not found. Please, execute 'clconfigureclient' to perform a text mode configuration or 'plastic --configure' for graphical mode.
QUESTION .. if I now run 
IS THAT SAFE?  or will it scratch my repositories?
ie, can I run clconfigureclient to just CHANGE configurations?  or will it scratch my repos and install new ones?
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It seems that you configured Plastic using a different Mac user and now you are trying to run the commands using "root" user (you need to configure Plastic to work with root user first).


Running "clconfigureclient" with root user will configure the Plastic client for this user. This operation doesn´t make any change in your repositories. It only creates "client.conf" file for this user. It doesn´t change anything on the server side.




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