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plastic setup for NAS


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We're very interested in testing this! In fact, some other users asked for this too: https://plasticscm.uservoice.com/forums/15467-general/suggestions/10922211-synology-nas-drive-plugin-for-plasticscm-server

Count on our support team to give it a try. You shouldn't have issues installing there if you consider this:

1. Install Mono (4.6 would be ideal, 4.3 will do) on the NAS.

2. Copy the server binaries there (you can use one of our zip releases).

3. Configure sqlite.


Check these instructions, they were written for raspberry but the fundamentals will be the same: http://blog.plasticscm.com/2015/02/install-plastic-server-on-raspberry-pi.html


In a couple of months we will be releasing a new backend to replace sqlite, and it will make the server run circles around sqlite, which will be especially noticeable in the NAS. We can send you a beta if you move forward with your testing.


Let us know how it goes.




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a few weeks ago I built almost the same setup. In our office we have a Synology DiskStation DS1515+ running the Plastic server and hosting the repositories.
Let me tell my experiences about the installation.

As Pablo pointed out the blog post about installing Plastic on a Raspberry Pi is a very good start. Unfortunately installing the latest Mono wasn't that easy for us. Using Synology's package center in the DSM webinterface we could only find Mono 4.2.1-0089 (Beta). Installing this version is as easy as clicking the "Install" button in the package center. However you can not use a version of Plastic from upwards as can be read in this blog post:


For a first test and proof it can work this was just fine for us, so we took the last available version lower than (being version from here:


It worked so far and we wanted to continue using the NAS as our Plastic server. The next step was to sync our repositories to Plastic Cloud. To access the cloud you have to use a version of Plastic starting from as mentioned in these remarks:


As can be seen on the downloads page above the next available version is and this will require Mono 4.3. So in DSM's package center I uninstalled Mono 4.2 again and then downloaded the Mono 4.3 packages provided here:


Then I followed the "Server installation" part found here:


After that we were able to run the server again. Nevertheless there was still a problem syncing our repos to the cloud. The replication dialog always failed with an error "SendFailure (Error writing headers)". With the help of the Plastic support team we found out this happened due to certificate errors. We could solve the problem by executing the "mozroots" command as mentioned in this github answer:


The last thing I want to point out is that I did not create startup scripts as suggested in the Raspberry Pi blog post. I rather created 2 tasks in DSM's Control Panel --> Task Scheduler which trigger on boot-up and shutdown and execute the plasticsd start/stop command. This way we can restart the Plastic server from the webinterface if required.

Since then the server is running happily on the NAS and working as expected so far.

I hope some of these infos help. Good luck!

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