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Recursively collapse/open hierarchies in tree views?


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Is there a method to collapse-all/open-all when clicking on the +/- icon in any tree view (Items, Pending Changes, Branches, Repositories, ...)?

For example, the tree view in Pending Changes gives a much better overview/visual structure to the things that were modified. However, per default everything is always collapsed. So for each new change one needs to click-open every single hierarchy level by hand, to reach the assets that were actually changed...

This can become VERY tedious very quickly... :-/

If there is no shortcut yet to do it, may I suggest to use Alt-click, as for example, Unity uses that same method to selectively and recursively collapse/open subtrees. Just in case, I already added this to the user voice :o) https://plasticscm.uservoice.com/forums/15467-general/suggestions/18671218-collapse-all-open-all-tree-views-with-alt-click

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