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Gitsync submodule configuration


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I tried following the instructions here to configure Plastic SCM submodule:


But when doing the git sync it throws the following error:


The equivalent of Git repository for './../gradle-helpers' has not been defined. The xlink cannot be pushed. Please add the equivalence inside the submodules section in the configuration file.


I tried various things in `gitsync.conf` but nothing worked:

git@eng.whatclinic.com:src/gradle-helpers -> iis/gradle-helpers@ssl://pc111:8088 writable:true relativeserver:true
git@eng.whatclinic.com:src/gradle-helpers -> gradle-helpers@ssl://pc111:8088 writable:true relativeserver:true

.gitmodules content:


[submodule "gradle-helpers"]
    path = gradle-helpers
    url = git@git.whatclinic.net:src/gradle-helpers

First I synced the `gradle-helpers` repository associated to the submodule - and that works fine. When trying to sync the main repository it fails with the above error.

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