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Temporary error when pulling: Explicit transaction expected, but found no transaction

Mikael Kalms

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Hi, this is mostly FYI.

I have recently encountered the following error message during a pull operation:

The sync process was unable to replicate the following branch:

Branch: <branch name>
Operation: Pull
Source repository: <repo>@<organization>@cloud
Destination repository: <repo>@local

Error description: 
Explicit transaction expected, but found no transaction

This happened earlier this week on a machine running Plastic SCM and just now on another machine using Plastic SCM The pull operation was pulling from Plastic Cloud to a server on my own workstation/laptop.

I got this error message for two branches. Choosing "Retry" would successfully pull those branches. Several other branches were also included in the Pull operation; those pulled without any problems.

Since then, I have performed more pull operations to pull newer changes from at least one of those branches, with no errors.

(Suspicion: there was a small-scale, temporary hiccup with Plastic Cloud.)

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