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Managing multiple projects


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I'm evaluating Plastic SCM and trying to work out how best to manage multiple, independent projects that are worked on by the same core team.  Note we're mainly working with documents rather than code.  I've scoured the web for advice but haven't quite found an answer yet.

In a subversion setup, we've managed to do this by having a single repo with subfolders , e.g. 'Project A' and 'Project B', each with the usual branch, trunk and tag folders.  It's then easy to view the change activity across the projects because they're all in the same repository.  Just open the log and filter as necessary.

However, I understand that in Plastic, the usual approach is to establish a repository for each project.  Trouble is, all the searches and queries available from the GUI seem to be focused on the current workspace, which is tied to a repository.  So, if i wanted to list all the changesets across the two repositories,  or see pending changes that the team needs to deal with, it seems I have to go into each repository separately.

Basically I'm trying to understand how an admin can get an oversight of all the work that's going on, or be able to search across repositories (or even down into sub-repositories) to find relevant revisions.   I've read a bit about xlinks but this isn't quite what i need.






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While the discussion of whether you should go for a single repo or many is an interesting one (for docs one is fine), the answer to your question is easy:


cm find "changesets where date >='2017/10/30' on repositories 'repo0@server:8084','repo1@server1:8084'"


Or alternatively type this on a advanced query box in the GUIs


find changesets where date >='2017/10/30' on repositories 'codice@codice@cloud','pnunit@codice@cloud'


You can query together from not only different reps, but also different servers.

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