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Considering using Plastic


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Hello, I'm fairly new to source control. I've used bitbucket/sourcetree for work pretty regularly, but I'm starting up a small team to work on a game project, and need something a little better. We will be using UE4, and Sourcetree just doesn't cut it. I've heard some great things about Plastic, but I do have a few questions after doing a little looking. My first question is, what do you use for the online portion? Where does the project go? For example, Sourcetree is the GUI on the PC, but online we have Bitbucket where I can go and see the information on the project and others can come and clone from it, etc. I haven't seen anything like that for Plastic. Maybe it's a different set up, since it's not Git right? (Again, pretty new here so please forgive my ignorance!) My next question is regarding the different levels of Plastic, like the Personal Edition, Commercial Edition, etc. I'm really looking at the Personal, but what I'm a little confused about is the Cloud version says you get 5GB of Cloud Storage. Again, maybe I just don't understand what I'm talking about, but 5Gb for a game to be stored doesn't sound like very much...? And if that's what you get with the Cloud Version, then what do you get with the free version? I'm hoping a Plastic guru can maybe come along and set me straight on some of this because I feel like I'm probably just not understanding it very well, and we're very anxious to get started on the project, but also want to make sure we start off right. I think Plastic is the right direction, but I want to make sure we get the right level of it and know what to expect financially from it. Thanks all!

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Hi @ethancodes!

Welcome to Plastic :)

On 11/11/2017 at 4:10 AM, ethancodes said:

what do you use for the online portion? Where does the project go?

For the Cloud server the data is securely stored at Microsoft Azure backends. 

On 11/11/2017 at 4:10 AM, ethancodes said:

For example, Sourcetree is the GUI on the PC, but online we have Bitbucket where I can go and see the information on the project and others can come and clone from it, etc. I haven't seen anything like that for Plastic.

The Plastic Cloud is the Bitbucket equivalent. You can invite team members to join the cloud and start using it. You can choose between a distributed development (like git) and a centralized development, the Plastic Cloud will support both.

On 11/11/2017 at 4:10 AM, ethancodes said:

it's not Git right?

Noooooooop, it is not.

On 11/11/2017 at 4:10 AM, ethancodes said:

My next question is regarding the different levels of Plastic, like the Personal Edition, Commercial Edition, etc.

How many people do you have in your team? I'm afraid personal edition will not work here as it's for "Hobbyists and individuals". I think you need the Cloud edition licenses: https://www.plasticscm.com/plasticscm-cloud-edition/pricing.html



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