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Code Review Confusion


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We currently use plastic in a distributed setup with local servers (pulling/pushing from each other), with a master server to manage continuous integration.

We wanted to try and use the code review feature of plastic, thinking it worked similar to a pull request in git, but this does not seem to be the case.

If a developer has completed his work, and creates a code review for it. I have no idea the work is done because that review does not show up in my plastic client.

Can someone explain how code reviews can or should be used in a distributed environment.

Right now, when a dev is done, he/she just contacts me and says can you go pull branch whatever, and review it for me. Which is not optimal for  management or tracking.

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Code reviews in Plastic are not centralized unless you create them in the central server, but they reach the central server when you push.

I mean: I create a code review from my task on my server and I push to central => code review goes to central.


But, no, they do not work as a GitHub pull request, I'm afraid. We have to implement a bunch of improvements in Code Reviews to make them better.

You can always use the central server as the rendezvous point for reviews, that's true, and we even have a web interface for them if you install the webui (check with support).

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