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Get workspace root / selector from path within the workspace using CM


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Is there a way to get the root of a workspace or it's selector given an arbitrary filepath from within in the workspace itself?
I have several workspaces, but I want to find the root of path programmatically, so I can work with that particular workspace in my python code.

So for instance, I have the path: "C:\users\admin\wkspaces\workspace1\Assets\thing.txt".
If I use:


cm showselector  C:\users\admin\wkspaces\workspace1\Assets\thing.txt

I get a print out of the selector file itself, something like:


Selector for workspace1:
repository "studio_test@ssl://#############:8088"
  path "/"
    br "/main"
    co "/main"

Which is not that helpful for my purposes.... Why is the path "/" ??? Its the same for every workspace afaik so this seems to be useless. What is this meant to represent?

I have also considered using "cm lwk" and then comparing the start of the given file path with these, BUT what if there is more than one workspace for a branch? I would have to make a dictionary that compares the selector output from each of these workspaces, and filter through those. 

However this doesn't solve my problem since the workspace path I need is a network mounted drive and the "cm lwk" only shows workspaces with local paths, even though workspace was created on the local machine.

I actually wrote a method that walks up paths until it finds the .plastic folder and parses the selector, and then obviously I have the root of the workspace/repo at this point, but this is obviously a bit expensive... 

Seems to me that this would be a very helpful method to simply tell what the root of the workspace for a given path when working with pipeline development.

May I suggest that we get a parameter for the "showselector" method to get the root of the workspace on the local file system?


Thanks for reading!


- Aleks


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Hi @karmakat,

you will get it by using the "getworkspacefrompath" command, an example:

c:\Users\mluci\wkspaces\UnityGame1\Assets\scripts>cm gwp . --format={1}


c:\>cm gwp c:\Users\mluci\wkspaces\UnityGame1\Assets\scripts\AddMultishot.cs --format={1}

Hope it helps!

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