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Changed username a couple times now can't login

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  1. I installed the product, connected with git in TFS. Everything was working great.
  2. I didn't like that my commits had my plastic user name in TFS. So I changed the user name from "matto" to "Matthew O'Connor".
  3. Then when I opened plastic it errored out saying something with "Connor was not valid". Obviously it broke from the apostrophe in my name.
  4. I then changed the user name to "Matthew OConnor" [No apostrophe] now every time I open the client it tells me I don't have a valid license for this user. 
  5. I try changing the user back to "matto", but opening the client, it still says "Matthew OConnor" has invalid license, which is strange since I deleted that user. 
  6. I restart the server just to make sure, still get the same error message when opening the client. 
  7. I uninstall Plastic SCM with the uninstaller, then reinstall. upon completing the client and server config wizards the client opens with the same error message. 
  8. found this article relating to my problem and provides a solution to fix the license problem.
    1. Need to drop into cmd and run "cm au username" to make "Matthew OConnor" a licensed user, but it says I can't do that because I'm not a Plastic Admin. 
    2. Then at the bottom of the article it says how to set a plastic admin, which I do then it says my user does not have a license
    3. Catch 22


Changed Username, now license is invalid. Can't find any way to reset or even start from scratch. 

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