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Move file to a different repository


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I don't believe plastic keeps a "File" history, only a change set history, which would be the comments for every file in the change set.


I've never tried to directly extract a single file, though I have tried to search for changes to a specific file - and those searches always resulted in a list of change sets the file appeared in. 


Given that, I don't think there is a direct way to do what you want for a single file (though I could be wrong).

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As a matter of practice, we run into this a few times a year. We have a lot of repositories and we're in the midst of changing philosophies with how we approach repository creating and management. Sometimes we have to move projects from one repository to another for whatever reason.


I don't want Plastic to support this. I think it would be too much work for very little benefit. However, as someone who does deal with this, I wanted to tell you how we work around it. When I'm merging two repositories, or moving one file to another repository, I do that work on an isolate branch that references the move. Then in the commit, I reference the old repository it came from. Then I archive the old repository (http://www.plasticscm.com/releases/3.0.1/manuals-html/en/adminguide.htm#_Toc271128114) rather then delete it.

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