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Why have "Search Matches" at all?


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It seems kind of strange to trust a sliding scale with determining what was done to a file, such that you need to always check your pending changes if you are moving and editing files just in case a move became a delete and an add. Since Plastic SCM is aware of files being moved via the mv command, why can't it just internally track that a file moved in the file system, but also independent of that, know its contents changed?

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You can have two types of moved files:

* Moved: You used the "cm move" command or the right click -> move.

* Local moved: You are using an external IDE without a Plastic plugin or you moved manually using the console or the explorer.


For the first type there's nothing to do, the pending changes view will always show it as moved. (or moved + changed if it's the case)

For the second case if the file is changed more than a 20% you will need to do the matching manually....


So if you use the mv command you don't need to to anything else...

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