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Restore repositories from MySQL dump

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Our server with Plastic installation had hardware failure and everything from this computer is lost. We use MySQL as database backend. We have 2 days old backup of all MySQL databases. What is the procedure to restore our repositories from this backup on new machine? Is there any order of steps we should follow?

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I'm sorry to hear the hardware failure... :(


First restore the backup, you will see the "repositories" database and several "rep_X" databases, the "rep_X" databases are the Plastic SCM repositories the ones containing the source code, branches, history and so on, the "repositories" database is just and index for the "rep_x" databases.


Ok, once the backup is restored install the PlasticSCM server and change the db.conf to work with the new MySQL, you can review the steps and examples here: http://www.plasticscm.com/infocenter/technical-articles/kb-how-to-configure-plastic-scm-with-mysql.aspx


Check by running a "cm lrep" command that the databases are reachable by the Plastic SCM server.

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Great news!


BTW, I always recommend to setup a secondary server as a "hot backup", this server is the destination of replication operations (from the main server) every, let's say, 2 hours so if you have any hardware failure you just need to switch your clients to use the secondary server and you will loose 2 hours of work... The Replikate script works just fine doing it: http://codicesoftware.blogspot.com/2012/02/after-accidentally-cloning-sexy.html


Of course the traditional backup is always needed just in case....

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