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Upload large checkin with low internet speed


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I have low internet speed 1MB/s. I want to upload my unity project to branch (around 10GB). Whole thing takes 15 hours, but when I checkin all files it stops after 10 minutes saying that connection was lost and I have to start again ("An existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host). I can only upload max 100mb, because it will end before connection lost. How can I upload such a large checkin 10GB? Do I have to make 100 commits by 100 MB to upload 10GB? It will be a lot of work...

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In this link you can find some tips on how to improve performance:


Another option is to work distributed, where you checkin against the local server and then sync it to the central server.

Are you working against a cloud or an on-premise server?




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  • 2 years later...

I'm having a similar problem.

My wifi has a higher bandwidth than my internet subscription allows. When I upload many files or large files Plastic floods the internal wifi to the maximum speed, which causes timeouts because the data is not sent out at he same speed. And eventually the wifi connection will drop  and I get a timeout message stopping the upload.

I don't think using multiple threads will make a difference, this will still use the internal speed to the max, right?

How can I limit the upload speed in Plastic and Unity? I don't mind that uploading will take longer.


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  • 2 weeks later...



You could add these two entries to the client.conf located under "C:\Users\youruser\AppData\Local\plastic4" to limit the number of threads it uses and prevent flooding the router with requests.




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  • 1 year later...

Hello there🙂

It can be difficult to upload a large Unity project if your internet connectivity is slow. Before committing 100 files; each having 100MB; think about the following

  • Make use of a version control system like Git LFS; which enables you to upload files in smaller portions and supports huge file uploads.
  • Compress your project before uploading to make it smaller.
  • If at all possible; upload from a place with an improved connection such as during off peak hours.
  • Divide your project into small portions and submit each one individually.
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