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Several server admins

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At the moments seems that the Plastic SCM server admin is set to the owner of the repository server, which I'm not sure exactly what it means, is the user used to start the plastic Daemon?

Also, this condition forces to have only one user that can activate/deactivate users in the  repository.

I would like to have at least two sysadmins with permissions to activate/deactivate users, I'm not very keen on depending only on one user for certain operations.

Is there any way to circumvent this limitation/issue?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Pablo,
I'm sorry for the late reply.
You can set a group as the owner of the server and all the members of that group will be considered owners. To do that you first need to create the group and then select the option to change the owner on the bottom side of the repository server permissions screen:


The repository server owner has nothing to do with the OS user used to start the server, it is just who has always permissions for everything in the server.
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