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Version Control Mode switching automatically back to Visible meta files


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I switch to plastic and encounter some problems. My Unity switching its Version Control Mode automatically back to Visible meta files after I play in the editor. And somtimes its breaks my Layout settings. Every other things works fine. So if anyone has an idea what am I missing or how I can fix this let me know. 

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Hi @TimoB, it is by design that Unity switches the Version Control Mode to Visible Meta Files when Plastic SCM (and other VCS) systems are enabled. This makes it easier for those systems to track the .meta files, which are vital for syncing the status of Unity assets across projects.

As for breaking your Layout settings, I'm sorry to hear that. Could you attach screenshots that show what your original layout was like and what is changing when Plastic SCM is enabled?

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Hi @ryancassell

Thanks for responding, I understand that .meta files are important, but it's confusing that I have to change Version Control Mode to PlasticSCM to use Plastic only to see unity changed it back to "Visible Meta Files".  I think the PlasticSCM Window causes the Laout Reset because after some tests it looks like if the PlasticSCM Editor Window is open (docked or undocked) and with the Version Control Mode set to PlasticSCM it reset the Editor Layout after I restart Unity. So if I let the setting on "Visible meta files" it works. 

An additional Problem is that after the Version Mode switch is, that the PlasticSCM Window disappears and Im not able to open it again, because there is no button in the Window Menu and the Editor functionality like CheckOut, CheckIn in inspector is missing. After I restart Unity I can reopen the window.

I use Unity Version 2021.1.14f1 with the Version Control Package on Version 1.5.7. I switched the project from a git repository to Plastic, I hope it should not causes these problems.

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I understand the confusion. You actually don't need to change the Version Control mode to Plastic SCM in the Project Settings menu to use Plastic SCM. That Version Control mode is related to the Legacy Integration for Plastic SCM that is no longer supported. We will be removing that option from the dropdown once the new Plastic SCM package exits beta. This would help explain the unexpected layout changes that you're experiencing. I apologize for the confusion with these settings.

It sounds like changing the Version Control Mode creates compiler errors in the Version Control package. When that happens, then both the Inspector checkin/checkout options and the Windows menu option fail to load. If you leave the Version Control Mode setting alone, then that should resolve your issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @ryancassell,

I appreciate your clear answer to TimoB's question here because it helped me figure out the first part of my issue, but I have a follow-up question that I hope is okay to ask here:

I'm trying to build in some extra tools for my team centering around version control and it seems like with the new integration of Plastic into Unity the previous `Provider` API is no longer working as expected. For example, `Provider.isActive` is set to false now when the Version Control Mode gets changed to Visible Meta Files. Is there a new API to go along with the new integration or is this a bug that will be fixed before the new integration comes out of beta?

For extra information, I'm working on Unity 21.2.2f1.


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