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Plastic crashes when viewing pending changes.


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Checking the stack trace, we are guessing if you are running a merge involving a deleted changeset. Does it make sense?

We are going to protect this scenario in the new Plastic X GUI. But if you undo the changes or use the legacy GUI, the crashes shouldn't happen again.

Sorry for the inconveniences,


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We have fixed the following task in the last release:


All platforms - PlasticX: Show warning when user tries to delete changeset involved in pending merge

We now show a warning message, and stop you, if you try to delete a changeset that is the source of a pending merge link. This is because deleting the merge source puts you in an invalid state where you cannot check in the merge.


All platforms - PlasticX: exception thrown if pending merge source changeset not found

If the source changeset of a pending merge link could not be found (probably because it was deleted) an exception was thrown in the Pending changes view. Now, in this case, we display some useful text in the merge link description letting you know you will not be able to check in the merge (because the source changeset is missing).




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