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Local server refuses all client connections

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I'm trying to get my PlasticSCM server working again after it broke down when I upgraded my computer to OS X Yosemite.  I got a working license file in the server (thanks, PlasticSCM people!) but now the server is refusing all connections - even when I am on the same computer that runs the server (which is also the one with the Yosemite upgrade) and try to connect via localhost:8087.  I tried to find a way to restart the server, but had no luck finding one.  I also tried rebooting the computer, but that didn't work.  I don't know what is going on at this point and any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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there might be an old configuration file in there, you can do one of two things:


1- download a program InvisiblyX and then enable it so it will show hidden files, then go in your home folder and delete a .Plastic4 or .Plastic5 folder 


2- launch terminal and cd into your home directory then cd into .plastic4 or .plastic5 (the P in plastic might be capital or lowercase cant remember) the delete the files in there manually

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Can you tell us the error message you are getting? @jamesmoo2090 I think it's not related with config files.


Double check if the server is started:

ps -A | grep -m1 plastic


ps -A | grep -m1 mono 

If it's started kill it and then execute the following command from the Plastic SCM server directory, of not directly execute the following command.

sudo mono plasticd.exe --console

This will start the server in console mode (handy if you need to start the server fast), don't close the terminal tab because you will kill the process. Then, tell us if the server starts, you should see something like:

Creating ServerSink
Plastic SCM daemon up. 1263 ms startup time 

You can then test the connectivity running the following command in a different terminal tab:

cm lrep localhost:8087

Post us the new info :P

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