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Binary stream '0' error

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Yesterday I started having erorrs:

Error: Binary stream '0' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader. Possible causes are invalid stream or object version change between serialization and deserialization.: some.remote.url:port

Before that I was using plastic without any issues.

I have a Ubuntu server running in Microsoft Azure VM, Plastic server is dockerized and connected to dockerized postgresql. I was using but I upgraded to while trying to resolve the issue.

I am getting this error in both GUI and cm, in case of GUI it immediately closes. As for plastic.server.log, it shows no errors in server side (at least I did not see any).

Because I have two machines setup as my clients (Win7 and Win8.1 machines) and they both started having this issue at the same time I assumed that the issue could be related to server (though unlikely because it was successfully running without interruptions for 2 months) thus I brought down all plastic related docker containers and started from scratch - created new postgres (empty db) and plastic containers. However this still did not resolve the issue (even simply running "cm li" gave me this error).

I managed to get it working by editing remoting.conf on the server and disabling compression (compression="none"), though I do not know whether this is the best solution (my first try involved disabling both compression and SerializationObjectsAtSink, but this did not work correctly as fast-export would not find any changesets to export, though GUI seemed to work correctly).

I will try a full reinstall of client (so that configuration is created from scratch as well).


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This is strange issue we have sporadically seen and we are investigating. The issue happens deserializing the obtects.



If you switch back to your previous "remoting.conf" configuration, restart the server and run a operation, are you still getting the issue?





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I have setup additional plastic server container (I can give you the address via email if you provide one) and I have installed clean plastic client in local VM (win7). I was unable to configure client graphically - I was getting the same error. After configuring via clconfigureclient I tried "cm li" and I get the same error.

I am getting this error on every single server operation, restarting server (and creating new container for server - which basically means installing from scratch) did not help.

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I have restarted the whole azure vm and after reverting remoting.conf it started working.

My current guess is that the issue could be related to the fact that the server was running for about 2 months - maybe some integer overflowed. However this should something global as starting new containers (ie processes) did not help, but the whole vm restart worked. What it makes stranger is that docker should be virtualizing a lot of environment.


BTW simply setting compression to none (without changing anything in client) does not work correctly (I should have expected that; my guess is that client sends compressed data and server processes it without decompressing it first).

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Hi mariusk,


As we commented, this is a strange issue we have sporadically seen and we are investigating.  We are even evaluating to improve the remoting.conf system in order to avoid future issues. It should dissapear after restarting the server.

Thanks for your feedback.




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