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Partial merging


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Hello all,


I would like to perform a partial merging operation from a branch A to a branch B. By partial, I mean from a changeset source (located on branch A), select only files that I want to merge to the destination branch (B). Is it possible ? I tried cherry pick command but it seems not to be the right feature to use.




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Hello hlx,


The merge system works with changesets and not with file/dir revisions, that means you always need to merge a complete branch or changeset (cherrypick).


You could think it's a drawback but it allows us to cover almost every merge scenario you can face: (Go to the "Merging" section)



But not only the merge system gets benefits from the "changeset oriented model", the update operation for example is also faster than other systems out there because of that.


Plastic SCM 3 was able to handle your scenario but we finally changed it to build a more complete, fast and robust SCM.

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