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Plastic SCM 5.4 client on Ubuntu 14.04 doesn not write client.conf file


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we installed plasticscm-client from repo:


on a clean Ubuntu 14.04 machine.
We descovered that the configuration (Server name and AD credentials) are not stored in the client.conf file or better there is no client.conig file at all. That means on every start of plastic the initial configuration dialog pops up.
We did a work around be installling the latest 5.0 client to generate the client.conf. After that we upgraded again to 5.4 and at least login worked.
But after creating a workspace we treid to checkout a repo to the newly created workspace at /home/user/plastic-workspace (this folder was generated by using the create workspace dialog) we get an Permission denied EAccess error.
The workspace folder was generated by plastic and plastic was started with the same user which is the owner of the /home/user directory.
Any ideas why this happens?
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the client configuration is stored inside the "client.conf" with the Server name and the Authentication mode. You always need one "client.conf" to open the GUI or issue any "cm" command.


So you need to check if plastic is configured for the root user or your real unix user (or both).

The Permission denied error makes me think that the workspace was created with the root user or the "client.conf" is not having enough permissions.


Please double check all the permissions and all the client.conf files you have and the acl for them.

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